Whilst most people engage in reflection on a daily basis, much of this occurs in quiet moments by ourselves.
Most students are not used to reflecting on their learning in a structured manner. They will need some help to develop skills in reflective thinking and writing. Whilst this skill may be new to them at first, they will become more familiar with it as they progress. |
The 8 Cultural Forces represent the tools or levers teachers and school leaders utilise to transform and shape the culture of their educational context. As Ritchhart highlights in the book Creating Cultures of Thinking (2015) the 'creation of any group culture is ongoing and evolving.' Think about the following prompts:
Just like we do when we use thinking routines as strategic vehicles in which to scaffold the thinking of our learners, self-reflective practices of both teachers and students move through different developmental phases (see graphic left).
From initial introduction of a self-reflective strategy to the development of it as a strategic tool to reflect on learning through to the advanced integration of reflective strategies to evaluate and promote their own learning and growth. |